Edward Street, Stockport

This 6-10 storey, 131 apartment building, located opposite the historic Stockport Town Hall, compromises 84 one bedroom and 47 two-bedroom apartments for The Guinness Partnership, of which 63 are for Affordable Rent and 68 for Social Rent.

This landmark development, which includes a new adopted pedestrian street connecting Bamford Street to Edward Street contributes significantly to the ongoing regeneration and repopulation of Stockport Town Centre.

Its sustainable location, close to Stockport’s excellent public transport infrastructure, is enhanced further with the provision of publicly accessible EV charging bays, off site Car Club provision and 100% cycle storage.

The building mass is split by an 8storey glazed link which affords residents views North to the Town centre and South to St Anthony’s Church spire, reinforcing the sense of place as they rise through the building.

Client:- The Guinness Partnership
Contractor: Caddick Construction

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