
Construction is the world’s largest industry and it’s omissions account for 39% of global energy related carbon emissions.

We are Environmental Management System : BS EN ISO 14001 : 2015 Accredited

Bowker Sadler recognises that the built environment has a vital role to play in responding to the climate emergency and strives to minimise impacts in all areas of the business. Whether this be by educating ourselves in sustainable constructions, technologies and products, and then using our knowledge to design environmentally friendly buildings, or undertaking studies such as ‘Optimising Affordable House Design in the context of the Future Homes Standard 2025’ with several of our construction industry partners, to assist our clients and fellow consultants in progressing towards the changing regulations and Net Zero targets. And we don’t stop here, whilst also considering the impacts of our projects, we also strive to making our own built environment more sustainable, making improvements to our Grade II listed building to ensure we’re practicing what we preach.

Guiding Principles

1. Introduction

Our approach to achieving net zero carbon emissions will be guided by the following principles:

Sustainable Design:
We will prioritize design solutions that maximize energy efficiency, utilize renewable resources, and minimize waste generation, ensuring that our projects contribute positively to the environment and community.

We will collaborate closely with clients, engineers, contractors, and stakeholders to develop integrated design strategies that reduce carbon emissions while meeting project goals.

We will remain at the forefront of sustainable design practices and technologies, continuously exploring innovative solutions that advance our mission to achieve net zero carbon emissions.

We will educate our team members, clients, and the broader community about the importance of net zero carbon emissions and how architectural design can contribute to a sustainable future.

2. Strategies for Implementation
Design Phase:
Incorporate passive design principles to reduce energy demand.
Optimize building orientation and envelope to maximize natural lighting and ventilation.
Utilize high-performance building materials with low embodied carbon.
Integrate renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate clean energy.
Construction Phase:
Prioritize low-carbon construction materials and methods.
Encourage waste reduction and recycling practices to minimize construction-related emissions.
Encourage the use of electric construction equipment and transportation to reduce on-site emissions.
Operational Phase:
Promote energy-efficient building systems and smart controls.
Support the use of renewable energy for ongoing building operations.
Adaptation and Resilience:
Design buildings that are adaptable to changing climate conditions.
Integrate green infrastructure and sustainable water management systems to enhance resilience.
3. Monitoring and Reporting
We will regularly monitor and report our progress toward achieving net zero carbon emissions. Annual reports will detail carbon reduction efforts, improvements in sustainable design practices, and the overall impact on our projects and operations.
4. Collaboration and Advocacy
We will actively collaborate with industry partners, governmental bodies, and organizations to advocate for policies and standards that support the broader adoption of net zero carbon practices within the architectural and construction sectors.
5. Continuous Improvement
We recognise that the journey to net zero carbon emissions is ongoing. We will continuously assess our strategies, adapt to new technologies, and refine our practices to align with the latest advancements in sustainable design and construction.


By adopting this Net Zero Carbon Emissions Policy, Bowker Sadler commit to playing a significant role in mitigating climate change and building a more sustainable and resilient future for all.